Emergency Management • All
The Office of Administrative Services encourages preparedness and can coordinate training to groups, offices, or departments on campus that wish to learn more about emergency preparedness, including proper earthquake response, active shooter training, and assembling an office/home/car emergency kit. Handouts and other resource information will be made available for participants.
To request a training please contact Captain Tony Gorrell at 909-748-8888 or Tony_Gorrell@022aode.com.
In April of 2012 the University of Redlands graduated its first class of Campus CERT volunteers. CERT stands for Community Emergency Response Team and is a nation-wide program developed in 1985 by the Los Angeles City Fire Department. The CERT Program educates people about disaster preparedness and trains them in basic disaster response skills. CERT members can assist others in their neighborhood or workplace following an event when professional responders are not immediately available to help. The class is a 20-hour course that covers:
emergency preparedness
fire safety
disaster medical operations
light search and rescue
incident command system
disaster psychology
disaster simulation
For more information about the next scheduled class contact Captain Tony Gorrell at 909-748-8888 or Tony_Gorrell@022aode.com. Staff must have supervisory approval prior to taking training during work time.
The University's emergency management plan uses the Incident Command System (ICS) as the command structure during an emergency to support operational, planning, logistical, and financial issues in the wake of an incident/emergency. ICS is a nationally used standardized approach for managing incidents of all types. Web-based classes are offered online through FEMA's Emergency Management Institute for those interested in learning more about the ICS structure.
IS-100.C - Introduction to Incident Command System
For those required to take the course, please provide a copy of your course certificate to Captain Tony Gorrell via campus mail or internet (Tony_Gorrell@022aode.com).