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Watchorn Hall
Designed for you to dive deeper into the world of music, the music degree blends rigorous academic study with creative expression. The program offers a broad exploration of music theory, history, and performance, allowing you to develop your musical skills while also understanding the rich cultural and historical contexts of music. The program provides you with a solid foundation to help you achieve your goals and make your mark in the world of music.
Majoring in music at Redlands will help you transform your passion for music into a strong education, preparing you for a rapidly changing world, a wide range of music-related careers, or graduate school. Through hands-on learning and working closely with faculty who are dedicated to your success, you will have the opportunity to participate in special events like the Concerto Competition or be recognized for your outstanding abilities at the President's Honor Recital. The program will prepare you for a successful career in opera and musical theatre, arts management, performing, studio teaching, and education.
To view specific classes, program requirements, and coursework information, visit the current university catalog.
Note: Music education majors with an emphasis in keyboard/vocal or keyboard/band are exempt from the piano requirement.
Elective courses- 15 to 16 additional credits selected from music courses numbered above 100 (Elective requirements differ for some music majors. Check requirements for the specific major)
Minoring in Music at Relands will encourage your development of competence in a specific area of music, while majoring in an area outside of music. If you have been actively involved in musical activities in high school, have musical talent, enjoy listening to and/or performing music, or simply wish to continue your musical studies, this minor is for you. A minor in one of these four areas may not be combined with a major in music. View the current university catalog to learn more about program requirements.
If you wish to pursue the minor in music, you must complete the music application and audition.
As a prospective minor, you must complete the Declaration of Major/Minor form as soon as possible in order to avoid music fees; approval of the Director of the Conservatory of Music is also required. You are encouraged to seek out a music faculty member to serve as a minor advisor. Other than MUS 110, Recital Repertory Class, and MUSI 124, Introduction to Voice, no course for the minor may be taken for credit/no credit.
You must declare your desire to minor in music prior to the beginning of their junior year. Contact the Director of Music Admissions at or (909) 748-8014.
Watchorn Hall
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